Musical Notes

Bradshaw Hall offers an unsurpassable musical curriculum for your child. Supported by our own full time specialist support teacher, Vicky Sunderland, there are opportunities galore. It really is World Class!

We have been awarded Music Mark status for 2023-24 yet again in recognition of our commitment to high quality music making.

Last year 34% of children in Reception, 59% of KS1 and 59% of KS2 chose to take part in an extra-curricular Music Club and/or had instrumental tuition in school.


Every class from Nursery to Year 6 have a weekly Music lesson with Miss Sunderland in the designated Music Room, where they listen to, compose and perform music using a range of musical instruments.

Additionally, weekly Singing Practice sessions are provided, to sing more advanced repertoire.

Peripatetic instrumental and singing lessons

We have a full timetable of instrumental and vocal tuition, with four professional visiting tutors teaching here in school.

We currently offer lessons on piano, flute, clarinet, trumpet, cornet, baritone, trombone, ukulele, guitar and singing at a reasonable cost.

Many children will have completed Grade exams on their instrument by the end of Year 6. All children learning an instrument or having singing lessons are invited to perform in a special Recital Evening when they reach Year 5 and 6.


We have record numbers of children attending our extra-curricular clubs year on year.

Over the course of the year, there are a range of extra-curricular musical activities on offer for all Key Stages, including:

· Reception Choir

· KS1 Choir

· KS2 Choir

· KS2 Nasheed Choir (new in 2023)

· Treble Makers vocal group

· Year 1 and 2 Boomwhacker Club

· Year 2 Band

· Year 5 and 6 Band

· KS2 Orchestra

· KS2 Recorder group

· On the Stage performing arts for all ages

Groups have the opportunity to perform in assemblies and at a range of concerts and venues in the community, often collaborating with local ensembles or other schools, including the prestigious St George’s Singers from Poynton and the Fish Lip Soup Big Band.

We even have an annual Singing Weekend for our KS2 Choir!


We regularly perform at a wide variety of venues, including the magnificent St George’s Church in Stockport, John Lewis, Stockport Town Hall and local churches in Cheadle Hulme.


St Andrews Charity Performance - A collaboration between the Orchestra, Treble Makers, Year 5/6 ukulele and guitar pupils and the Bradshaw Hall boy band High Fives.


Children from KS2 Choir and Christmas Band performed for shoppers at John Lewis, Cheadle.



 Children from KS2 Choir performing at St George’s Church.


Singing Weekend @ Bradshaw Hall Primary School.


KS1 and Reception Choir: Hansel and Gretel Concert.


 July 2023 - Recital Evening



Year 5 visiting the Bridgewater Hall to watch the Halle Orchestra’s ‘The Green Planet’ concert.

Team Work