WOW Moments - Archive

Archived Stories 

July 2023 - Singing Weekend at Bradshaw Hall Primary School.

July 2023 - Charity Concert in aid of the Children’s Heart Unit Fund (CHUF).

June 2023 - Children visiting Cheadle Mosque.

Year 1 children taking part in a Cross-Country competition. 

May 2023 - Year 2 Geography fieldwork trip to Bruntwood Park.

April/May 2023 – Members of staff taking part in Marathons, raising money for excellent causes.

 Golf tournament held at Bradshaw Hall.

May 2023 - Year 3’s Tatton Park Trip – Stone Age to the Iron Age

KS1 and Reception Choir: Hansel and Gretel Concert.

April 2023 - Chill Factore Visit

April 2023 - Parents attended the ‘Prosecco and Painting’ PTA

 March 2023 - Reception Visit to Smithills Open Farm

March 2023 - Two of our Year 4 children attending Climate Summit Conference at Stockport Town Hall.

March 2023 -Year 5 visiting the Bridgewater Hall to watch the Halle Orchestra’s ‘The Green Planet’ concert.
